2023 Christmas Tree Recycling
Before you buy a live Christmas tree this year think about how you want to dispose of it. The environmentally responsible thing is to keep the tree out of the landfill. But, in order to recycle your tree you must avoid flocking and tinsel of any type.
So, when you head out to find that perfect live Christmas tree for your house don’t purchase a flocked tree and don’t add flocking or tinsel to your Christmas tree at home. After Christmas remove your tree from the stand, remove all tinsel (if you added any), lights and ornaments and recycle your tree by one of these options.
For those of you who want to help restore our “Brazoria County” sand dunes via the Dunes Day Project take your Christmas tree to the Stella Roberts Recycling Center, 5800 Magnolia Pkwy, Pearland, TX 77584. Trees can be unloaded into the trailer located at the entrance of the gate. Trees will be accepted from December 26, 2023 to January 13, 2024. *No appointment needed for Christmas Tree Drop-Off*